
Operating Systems 2021-2

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  1. Add a directory to $PATH
    This is a tutorial on how to add a directory to $PATH in Linux. Could be handy if you want to run your own script, but without changing to the script directory first or typing a long command in terminal.

  2. Changing your default shell
    Explains on how to change your default shell to another shell in Linux. Maybe if you bored with bash (if thats your default shell), or you want to try some feature that bash doesnt have naturally, you can follow the steps in this link to change your current shell, but ofc you have to install it first.

  3. Format specifiers in C
    A list of format specifiers that can be used in C language. Usually used when using printf() and scanf() function.

  4. What is Cyber Security
    Explains the meaning of cyber security, types of cyber threats and it’s examples.

  5. Basics of File Handling in C
    An explanation about the file handling in C using File Pointer. Also contains numerous mode that can be used when opening/creating a file, and explains the usage of each mode.

  6. printf(), sprintf() and fprintf() in C
    Explains the basic function of the functions, and some examples using them.

  7. Using Structures in C
    Contains some information about struct in C language, including its definition, how to use it, and more.

  8. Big Endian and Little Endian
    A short and simple explanation about Big Endian and Little Endian, and also includes a simple exercise.

  9. Increment and Decrement Operators in C
    Contains increment/decrement operators in C language, and some example on how to use them.

  10. Least Recently Used (LRU) Algorithm
    Explains the steps of Least Recently Used Algorithm, and an illustration of the steps.

  11. States of a Process in Operating Systems
    Explains the states of a process in OS, and some other things like type of schedulers etc.

  12. What is Multicore Programming?
    Explains the basic definition of multicore programming.

  13. Using SCP to copy files between computers, with examples
    Explains how to copy files between computers using scp. And with examples :)

  14. Process Synchronization in Operating System
    Explains the concept of process synchronization in an OS, with explanation of the critical section and some of its solution.

  15. Completely fair Scheduler (CFS) and Brain Fuck Scheduler (BFS)
    Explains the concept of CFS, a process schedulers in linux.

  16. CPU Scheduling in Operating Systems
    Explains how the scheduling in CPU works.

  17. Difference Between GRUB and LILO
    Explains what is GRUB and LILO, how they work, and how GRUB taken LILO place as the default boot loader in Linux.

  18. GRUB: The Grand Unified Bootloader
    Explains what a GRUB is, and also explains many other things related to GRUB.

  19. How to Create and Run Bash Shell Script Explains how to make bash scripts, which i use in this week (week 10) to do chapter 8 of LFS :D

  20. Basic Computer Information: Serial versus Parallel I/O Shows a table contains the differences between serial and parallel I/O.